Tuesday, February 10, 2015

restore: error/tmp_backup_directory_not_found

Bismillah. I have encountered unusual problem about backup-restore in moodle. We use moodle v2.5.1. I backup a course and created 4.1 GB mbz file. I need to restore it to another category, seems like creating a duplicate course. When I tried to restore it, after long time waiting, the process have been suspended and give me a message


Something odd in my mind, when I download the file, its only 147 MB in size. This happen many times. Then, I try to backup partially, not the whole course. It just 2 GB mbz file. I try to restore it to another place and seems completed normally. Then I backup the rest and restore it, it seems normal too.


Then, I suddenly remembered that our server have allocated only 4 GB to tmp folder. I think that’s probably the case. If our backup file more than this size, the file would be corrupted and could not be restored.

So, if you have the same problem, try to backup-restore partially.

That’s my opinion. Happy moodeling.

You also can visit the moodle forum about this stuff, here

===== INDONESIAN =====

saya pernah membackup satu matakuliah. Hasil backup tersimpan file.mbz dengan ukuran 4 giga. Berkali-kali saya coba restore dengan file tersebut tidak bisa, padahal sudah menunggu lama. Pesan yang muncul:


Saya coba download file tersebut, namun ukuran filenya hanya 147 mega. Ketika dibuka ternyata semacam corrupted.

Saya coba backup matakuliah tersebut separuh saja, hasilnya hanya 2 giga. Ternyata bisa direstore dengan normal.

Lalu saya teringat bahwa alokasi /tmp di server hanya 4 giga. Mungkin itu alasannya file backup tidak sempurna sehingga proses restore tidak dapat bekerja.

Jadi solusinya: backuplah matakuliah yang ukurannya melebihi alokasi folder tmp secara parsial.

You also can visit the moodle forum about this stuff, here

Semoga bermanfaat.

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