Monday, December 21, 2015

Change Maximum Number of Uploaded Files

by: Nur Q | | Surabaya | Indonesia

Bismillah. This was my posting in
moodle dev forum

I am running moodle 2.9.2+. I think, I have found a way to change Maximum Number of Uploaded Files in Assignment. The site give a limitation only 20 files, but I need to give a space for 30 uploaded file, just for very very special case.

The setting was saved in database:
mdl_config_plugins > [plugin] assignsubmission_file > [name] maxfiles > [value] 20

All we need to do is only change the value. Don't change manually using phpmyadmin or something else, because it will not make any effect, instead, use moodle function set_config

the function is:

       set_config($name, $value, $plugin);

so... the code

       set_config('maxfiles', 30, 'assignsubmission_file');

Execute in any php files within moodle folder after
require_once(__DIR__ .'/../../config.php');
The Kaaba is the holiest site in Islam, and is often called by names such as the House of God or the House of Allah.
And remember Ibraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House (With this prayer): "Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: For Thou art the All-Hearing, the All-knowing.  — The Holy Quran, Chapter 2 (Al-Baqarah) verse 127

Moodle membatasi max 20 file untuk di-upload sebagai Assignment. Setting itu disimpan di database:
mdl_config_plugins > [plugin] assignsubmission_file > [name] maxfiles > [value] 20

Perhatian: Jangan diubah secara manual melalui phpmyadmin atau semisalnya, karena tidak akan berpengaruh. Gunakan fungsi moodle berikut untuk mengubah setting menjadi 30 file.

       set_config($name, $value, $plugin)

       set_config('maxfiles', 30, 'assignsubmission_file');

Thats all.... All Praise for Allah... The Creator and Sustainer of The Universe

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